What We Believe


About Humanity

Humans were created in the image of God to have an intimate personal relationship with Him and to reveal his glory by ruling over all creation with Him. When Adam sinned, all this was ruined.  God’s image is now seen only imperfectly in people and they are no longer able to fulfill the purpose God had planned for them.

About Jesus

Jesus came to earth to bring people back to the original plan God had for them, to restore God’s image in them, and to restore hope for all people.  He did this by living a perfect human life and by dying on the cross to bear the punishment for our sin.  We receive this redemption by believing and trusting in the work of Christ for our salvation from sin and for our lives.

About the Church

The church is made up of people who are submitted to and committed to Christ and to each other.  It has the privilege of being God’s instrument to spread the benefit and power of the good news of God’s plan through all the earth.  The church does this by serving God in worship, serving God’s people by growing their faith, and serving the world by impacting individuals, cultures and the environment with the good news of God’s grace and calling.


About God

There is one God who exists forever in three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  He knows all things, he created all things, he has authority over all things and he is in control of all things.  He is perfectly just, holy, righteous, merciful, and loving. 

About God’s Revelation

God has revealed himself, and continues to reveal himself in all creation.  In addition, God has revealed himself, the truth about mankind, and his plan for all creation in a special and more complete way in the Bible. 

About the World

God created the world out of nothing and keeps all creation going by his power.  Although the world was created to be perfect, the sin of Adam and Eve and of all succeeding humans has corrupted it.
