Our Commitment to Prayer

Prayer is the most powerful activity in which a Christian can engage. Prayer is our side of communication with God through Christ. Through prayer we participate with God in the advancement of his kingdom for God’s glory and the blessing of his people and the world.

Prayer Team

The prayer team consists of Gateway family and friends who have a desire to pray for those who have particular needs, such as spiritual, physical, relational, economic, and emotional. As the needs become known, prayer requests are emailed to team members for their earnest prayers to the Lord.

Kingdom Prayer

Kingdom prayer is a monthly time of praying for the advancement of God’s Kingdom in our lives, in the ministry of our church, community, nation, and the world. This prayer time is generally held on the last Sunday of the month after the 10:30 am worship service.

24 Hour Prayer Time

Twice a year, we set aside 24 hours to pray for the spiritually needy of our church, our community and the world. We collect prayer requests and during the 24 hours, Gateway congregants pray through the requests, asking the Lord to work in these lives.